So as I was debating how best to start this blog, I realized there are some of you who haven't been as involved in our lives as others. What better beginning than a glimpse into the past year. And seeing as age has it's privledges, I decided to start with myself.
I guess the biggest event of my year was the birth of wee Justin. Previous to that, I spent 4 months on bedrest - AGAIN. It started shortly before Christmas with some contractions that just wouldn't go away - and after a trip to L&D for monitoring, I was sent home with orders for bedrest. A week later, I quit my job...and mysteriously, the contractions slowed! They did eventually pick up, so I decided to behave myself. Thankfully, it wasn't strict bedrest, like it was with Jake, so I was able to do a few things. I cheated on my restrictions with visits to physical therapy and to the doctor, and occasionally I cooked dinner or made the bed. But for the most part, I did like I was told. We were lucky enough to be able to keep Jake in daycare 3 days a week so I wouldn't have to care for him - my mom came down and picked up the other 2 days. It was challenging when Steve was traveling, but we managed as we always end up doing.
While on bedrest, I read a lot of books - caught up on a lot of my soaps - and completed quite a few cross stitch projects. I figured I best do that when I could, because come April there wouldn't be any time for that! And although my ever-increasing size was discouraging, it didn't stop me from getting in quality snuggle time with Jake before his little brother came.
I'll save the details of Justin's birth for his post - but suffice it to say, Steve and I weren't the only ones anxious for him to arrive! I think the anticipation of those last few weeks ranked up there with waiting for the Sox to win the World Series.
Once Justin was born, I remembered what life with a newborn was like. It's funny how much you forget - or maybe selectively remove from your memory! Although nothing beats a snuggle from your child, sleep is a pretty nice luxury, too! It was real hard at first - and I think it took us a good 4 months before we all found a good groove - but now, it's not so bad. Yeah, there are days I miss getting dressed in something other than sweats and tshirts, stained with Justin's spit-up and Jake's latest food fascination - or when I'd love to engage in intellectual conversation rather than playing a guessing game of "Whose Poop Do I Smell?" - but now that I think I've figured this mom thing out, I don't think I'd change a thing. Well, I'd want more money - but I think we all would! My days are all pretty much the same - fueled by mass quantities of coffee, with the soundtrack of "Rhinocerous Tap" playing in my head - and sometimes I feel like my brain is turning to jello (and we all know I hate jello). I suppose once Justin hits school I'll go back to work - but for now, my focus is trying to tame the clutter in the house, attempting to keep the toy monsters at bay, and enjoying every little smile, laugh, and scream of my 2 boys.
On the rare chance I get a little free time, I've been trying to start crafting again. I find I can't complete projects as quickly as I'd like to - but that's no surprise when you only get 30 minute snippets of time here and there. Plus, with Steve traveling so much for work, I don't get nearly as much help as I'd like around the house. Crafting is, I guess, my release - and I try to make a little time for something as often as I can. Since April, I've made myself a quilted bag (think Vera Bradley style) - I've painted 2 sets of name letter for new babies - made curtains for Jake's room - painted some new Halloween decorations - and I've got supplies for some Christmas ornaments to paint, as well as a scrapbook for Steve. Maybe I should try to sleep when I have the time - but if I did actually get some down time at night, the Dunkin' Donuts up the street would go out of business.
I'm sure there's more to my life than that - but as anyone with kids can tell you, THEY are your life. And when they decide not to sleep at Nana and Buppa's house AND not nap at home, your life becomes a blur!