Last week was field trip #2 - to Buttonwoods Farms. They have glorious ice cream. If you live in this area - or have traveled through this area - you've heard of Buttonwoods Farms, for 1 of 2 reasons: the ice cream or the sunflowers. Have I mentioned the ice cream? If not, let me mention the ice cream...
Sorry - had to wipe the drool off the keyboard.
Seeing as it's October, we didn't get to enjoy an up-close and personal tour of the sunflowers. Instead, we get to go on a hay ride into the pastures. It was a pretty chilly day - but the sun was out, and it was a gorgeous fall day. Our trip started with a hayride into the pastures. You can see the boys' eyes frozen open!
Jake absolutely LOVED the hayride - once he got past the initial bumps and thumps, he was all smiles.
After a few minutes behind the tractor, we stopped in the middle of the pasture to feed the cows. The floor of the trailer we were on was covered in green hay - plenty of snacks for the kids to give to the cows. I think they were used to the visitors - as soon as the sounds of the tractor came near, the cows started gathering around us. They came so close to the trailer we could pet them!
The kids loved feeding the cows - and were mesmerized by a few of the calves asserting their position with some head-butting. Unfortunately, they seemed the most interested in the "output" of the cows than anything else!
Sorry - had to wipe the drool off the keyboard.
Seeing as it's October, we didn't get to enjoy an up-close and personal tour of the sunflowers. Instead, we get to go on a hay ride into the pastures. It was a pretty chilly day - but the sun was out, and it was a gorgeous fall day. Our trip started with a hayride into the pastures. You can see the boys' eyes frozen open!

After the hayride, the kids were let loose in a pumpkin patch to select the biggest and best to take home with them. Jake went right to a monster of a pumpkin, while Justin was a bit more deliberate.
And it goes without saying - one cannot go to Buttonwoods without getting ice cream. Even on that chilly day, each and every kid had a big old dish or cone in their frozen hands! I let Jake have his pick - he could have had cotton candy, or bubble gum - but he went with good old vanilla. Ate every bite. Except for what landed on his jacket... and his face...and hands... and sleeves...