Ahh...my Jake-a-loni Macaroni...sweet Peapod... what a year he's had! He's gone from being the one and only in our lives to having to share time and attention with his baby brother. It's been quite a transition for him - but through it all, he's still the same crazy little man we love.

I don't think the gravity of my health situation really hit him until mommy wasn't able to pick him up at bedtime. But that was replaced with lots and lots of snuggle time and book reading. He learned what buttons to push, and pushed them often - but that's just the nature of toddlers! As I got bigger and bigger, his curiosity grew - and by the time the spring came, he was excited to meet his baby brother.
Soon Justin was here, and Jake had to adjust to yet another change. He was so fond of Justin at the hospital - even tried to feed him some banana when he cried - but once the baby came home, Jake was a bit stunned. He actually asked me once if we could put Justin back in my tummy! It continues to be a struggle now, but every day Jake shows what a gentle, loving big brother he really is. The day Jake shared his treasured blue blankie with Justin, I knew they shared that bond only brothers have.
The summer brought more adjustment - between my new status of staying home, and Jake no longer going to daycare, we all had to figure out what to do with each other! Jake took a bit to settle into the new agenda, as he had pretty much always been in the stimulating environment they offered. Now he was stuck with a tired, grumpy mommy! But he got used to entertaining himself more, and eventually he figured out that home could be just as exciting.
Now we're in the fall, and Jacob is such a little man. He turned 3 in September - a few days later he started preschool. He goes 2 days a week, and has just blossomed into a little brain. Going to "big boy school" is something he looks forward to every week. He has made some new friends - even has a girlfriend named Josie - and seems to have charmed the pants off his teachers. Of course, like every little boy, recess is his favorite - but he also likes art time and show and tell. When he comes home he just loves to share what he's learned. Between school, books we read, and his favorite LeapFrog videos, he can recite the entire alphabet, recognize the letters, say each letter sound, and know the letters in his name! He's so dang smart we tend to forget he's only 3.
What the next months will bring for wee Peapod, we don't know - but I have no doubt it will be filled with lots and lots of energy, excitement, and all the love we could ever want!
looks like dana
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