In the grand scheme of birthdays, it's been pretty low key - and I guess that's the best kind. I got to sleep in till 9:00 - and by the time I got up, Jake had been fed, Justin had been fed and changed, and the coffee was fresh and hot. After repeatedly telling Steve I didn't need anything special, he insisted on going to the store - and came back with the cutest card, a cookies and cream cake that should be illegal it was so good, and "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". The first thing that popped into my head was "This will be FANTASTIC to read at the spa!" I was able to take a shower in peace - and even eat lunch at lunch time! While the boys napped I took an hour and ran a few errands - and when I came back, I enjoyed my birthday dinner of leftover mac and cheese (before you roll your eyes, it was homemade mac and cheese - that I made - and I totally give myself a pat on the back - it was W O N D E R F U L). After some goofing off with the boys, Jake and I played "Chutes and Ladders" while Justin romped and listened to Steve play his guitar.
And here I am - 8:30 at night. Both boys are in bed - and I've made the executive decision that "It's my birthday and I won't do any chores if I want to!" - so I'll be sitting down under my heater blanket with some hot cocoa and a movie. I'm sure there are more glamorous things to be doing on one's birthday - but in my world, a day with love, smiles, happy memories (and some decadent chocolate cake) is all I need.
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