How else can I link 3 totally seperate ideas together?

Thursday we became the proud owners of a Fridgidaire upright freezer. It was a Christmas present from my parents - our "Santa gift" as mom and dad say. I suppose I've now hit "housewife" status when the arrival of the freezer was the highlight of my day. I had to ensure proper preparation and initiation of the freezer by stocking up on food Wednesday night. I took full advantage of the sales - how can you pass up buy-one-get-two-free sales on chicken breasts, pork chops, and pork tenderloins? By Thursday night, that little Frigidaire was kickin' out the cold air - and freezing all that meat rock solid. Since then, I've been dreaming of all the goodies I can buy, cook, and preserve with my Food Saver for eternity. God forbid we ever decide to put a car in the garage - where will we put the freezer?
Friday I made my first batches of home-made babyfood for Justin. He'd eaten thru the few jars I had bought, and I didn't have the chance to run to the store. So I broke out the rocket blender I got for Christmas and blended up some leftover butternut squash. I set out some fresh mush for Justin to try, and poured the rest into ice cube trays to freeze. It was so easy! I was instantly addicted - rummaging through the cabinets for other things to blend. Justin loved the sweet orange goo - I can only imagine how much better it tastes! Jake was slightly afraid of the whole process - not sure if it was sound of the blender or the look of glee on my face as I watched a can of pears whizz around. But our freezer is now filled with Ziploc bags of frozen mush cubes - quart bags of pears, peaches, squash, pears, beans, all labeled so no one mistakes them for ice cubes.
Saturday was the day of the T-Rex. Jake got a book for Christmas from his Grandma and Grandpa in St. Louis called "Gigantosaurus Numbers". It's a counting book with dinosaurs, and we read it at least once a day. His favorite part is the T-Rex page - we'll stare at it forever, noticing their faces, teeth, eyes, colors. After our third go-round on Saturday, Jake decided it was art time. So up to the kitchen we went, and while I made lunch he drew. As I'm squeezing the pouch of scary orange cheese onto the macaroni, I'm presented with this drawing on green paper. "Here mommy, this is for you!" "Oh, it's lovely!" I say, having no clue what it is. "It's a T-Rex, mommy - just like the book".