In the hope that I'd actually get Jakers to eat something other than yogurt, chicken nuggets, and cereal bars, I've been having him cook dinners with me. I'll give him the choice (within reason, of course) and then we'll make it together. So far it hasn't really worked too well - but at least I'm able to prepare a dinner without too much hassle!
Last night I gave Jake the choice of kapusta and kielbasa, or soup. He chose soup, much to the dismay of my tastebuds (I've been craving kapusta and kielbasa, with some fresh rye bread...mmm.....) So I dove into the freezer and cabinets, pulled out the necessities, and began to cook.
Stirring the pot...

Adding the tortellini...
"Yumma yumma in my tumma tumma!"
The finished product:
OK - so the picture doesn't really do it justice. But it was G O O D!! I'm not sure where I got the recipe from, but I've made it so many times over the years that it's never the same. This version had sweet Italian sausage, garlic, chicken broth, vegetable broth, tomatoes, spinach, cannellini beans, mushrooms, and cheese tortellini. I made this HUGE pot - and it's all gone! It's one of Steve's favorites, and I had hoped to have some leftover to freeze... Guess I'll have to make it again!
And Jake STILL didn't eat any!!!
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