A few weeks ago I felt a weird twitch on my hand - and discovered it was the start of a little green thumb! It started with some clippings of my monster jade plant. The thing is massive - I got it when I started working at UConn, and it's taken on a life of its own. But it's a beautiful plant - and I hope to share it with others. Hopefully these little clippings will root!
The green thumb continued to some projects with Jake. First we made a "Tato Head" planter - I scooped out the top of a potato, which Jake then decorated with the parts of his Mr. PotatoHead. I added some potting soil, some grass seed, water, and POOF! A few days later Tato Head had some hair.
Once Tato Head was resting quietly in the front window, we moved on to some flowers. I thought it would be nice to show Jake how plants start as seeds - then grow into little sprouts that can be planted in the gound. I let him pick out what seeds he wanted - after much deliberation, we left Home Depot with packets of marigolds and hummingbird flowers. It's taken a bit of work on my part to actually remember to water the little pots - but as you can see, we're on our way to some pretty decent flowers!

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