One of the most exciting things about Jake being in school (for me, at least), is FIELD TRIPS! His teachers try to arrange them for the kids when they pertain to their lessons. This month they started learning about butterflies - so the class took a trip to a local nursery. They had a butterfly garden set up in one of the greenhouses. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen! Hundreds and hundreds of butterflies just filling the air - landing on the flowers, on the pots, on YOU. The kids really enjoyed seeing them up close, and I managed to get through the trip without accidentally swatting one.
Justin wouldn't sit still long enough to get one to stay on him - until he bent over to play with the cracks in the brick!
I resisted the temptation to swat this one off my shoulder. I guess all the kids were warned ahead of time to NOT MUSH THE BUTTERFLIES! I didn't want to end up in the naughty chair so I was careful...
Jake took a little coaxing to be comfortable letting the butterflies land on him - but once he realized they didn't sting like bees, he was fascinated!

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