OK - so maybe a snow day in CT isn't such a big deal, but I actually managed to get some pictures this time! Our neighbor Dave came over with his snow plow and was halfway through the driveway before I noticed - which allowed Steve to get out and play with us, rather than suffering through shoveling duty. (I'm going to deliver some sort of delicious baked confection tomorrow as a thank you...) So I bundled up the boys and myself, and outside we went.
I was a bit peeved when the lovely town plows managed to plow us all in - the plow came DOWN the street, but looped around OPPOSITE all the driveways. NO ONE could get out! We got quite a bit of snow...
This was taken at the far side of the cul-de-sac, opposite our driveway. Notice there's NO WAY to get out! 
Jake LOVES the snow, so it didn't take long before he was climbing in and out. 
Justin wasn't so sure... I think it was a wee bit too deep!Once they found the sled (my $15 steal at LL Bean a few years ago, regularly priced at $100!) I got the best moment of the day - my 2 boys playing nicely with each other! Jake had a blast hauling Justin around the street, both of them laughing the entire time.
Although it was nice for us all to get outside, I'm praying for school (and work) tomorrow...
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