So in all my free time, I've decided to try to re-do my craft chair. A few weeks ago I sat down on it, and ended up on my arse on the floor! Before ya'll start with the jokes, the chair is 30 years old... it's the chair to the bedroom set I got when I was moved to my big girl room when Dana was born... it's OLD. I've always considered doing something to the chair (and maybe even the desk) but never had a real reason. Well, after taking the seat off to repair the frame, I've decided now is the time!
Here's the chair as it looks now... it's pale yellow with a very slight gold splatter... It's in pretty good condition - could use a good cleaning, but otherwise isn't screaming "REPAINT ME!!"
I've got 3 fabrics I'm considering to re-cover the seat. First, this funky plum-ish color taffeta with a green irridescent sheen...
Then I have this brown-purple-ish canvas type fabric with the enbroidery...
The one I'm really considering is this - - - yellow background with blue sun and moon and a gold sparkle... aside from the fact I'd have to do minimal repainting to the chair, it's got sun and moon!!!
I haven't done anything more than fix the frame at this point - - - I'm not sure which fabric I want to use, which will then lead me to figure out the paint color... So I'm asking for input! PLEASE let me know which one ya'll like the best... Cuz I can't decide!!
I like the sun and moon, but also the one with the embroidery. The hard part is what can you see yourself liking 1-2-3-4 years down the line.
Although I have to say I like the fact that the sun and moon means minimal chair painting :)
I like the swirlies, cause I'm a swirly kinda gal.
I like the middle one as well. Although, knowing you like I do believe you'll go with the sun and moon. :)
I like the one with the swirlies!! I fell all creative looking at it!
I think I'm going with the one with the swirlies... Even though I'm the "sun & moon" girl (and all about minimal work), the embroidered fabric seems to be the strongest. It's a pretty substantial fabric, and one that (I hope) will hold up the longest. I've got to do a little piecing to cover the whole seat... but maybe with some batting I cam make some sort of really comfy cushy soft home for my butt!!!
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