Sunday, December 30, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me!

Posted by Kirsten at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 28, 2007
Hooray for gluten free!

Posted by Kirsten at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Our Holiday

Posted by Kirsten at 3:54 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Ho Ho Ho!

Posted by Kirsten at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
A Year in the life of...Princess Sophia
Sophia joined our family in July. We had to have Sammy the Wonder Cat put to sleep in March - between her kidney disease and that pet food recall, she just wasn't the spritely kitty we loved. The saying that a house is not a home without a cat is true - it just wasn't the same here. After much begging and pleading with Steve, the boys and I took a trip to the Connecticut Humane Society to pick out our new addition.
Steve had expressed interest in an orange tabby tom - but aside from one that was a bit past his prime, there were no males. We knew we wanted an adult cat, preferably an indoor cat, box trained, and ready to go. After perusing the cages for quite some time, a wee little kitty mewed from her top perch. I opened the cage to pet her, and I knew she was the one for us! She started purring, rubbing her head on my hand - and when I showed her to Jake, she did the same to him. Her profile said she was 2 1/2 - box trained - and although she was found abandoned under a porch (with her litter of kittens) they believed she was previously an indoor cat. Perfect for us! After some paperwork, Sophia was in her soon-to-be clawed up cardboard carrier, ready to go.
It took her a few days to really get acclimated. I'm sure the fact that there was an overly excited 3 year old trying in vain to pet her at every opportunity didn't help matters any! But once things settled down, Sophia has become so comfortable in the chaos that is our home. She still has so much kitten in her - runs around the house from end to end, jumps from table to chair to ledge, pounces on anything and everything she can find. She's a big old snuggle bunny - with an incredibly loud purr. And she's so protective of the boys! Any time either is crying, she's right there making sure everything is ok.
So that concludes the cast of characters that is our family. Sometimes it's a drama - sometimes it's a comedy - but it's never dull!
Posted by Kirsten at 7:39 PM 1 comments
Who's Your Daddy? (Conversation with a 3 year old part 1)
"Where's daddy?"
"Daddy's at work."
"I want my daddy. I wanna play MegaMan with my daddy."
"Ya know, he's not just your daddy - he's Justin's daddy, too."
"NOO! He's MY daddy! He's not Justin's daddy!!"
"Well, then who's Justin's daddy?"
"Santa Claus."
Posted by Kirsten at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
We have a new food!
OK - maybe 7 is pushing it, as the krispies and chex are pretty much the same thing. But the rice cakes are new as of tonight. He LOVED gnawing on those tasteless little frisbies. I honestly don't think they're good for much more than target practice - but they were the most fascinating treat on his dinner tray. Unfortunately, once rice cakes are saturated in baby saliva, they turn into the gummiest mess - that, once dried, is quite similar to concrete.
I'm still concerned about some sort of wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance though - somehow Justin managed to get a saltine over the weekend (I think a little Jacob-fairy delivered it to a certain baby brother). The next day was poop-a-palooza - complete with raging rump rash. I'm hoping that his tummy is just really finnecky - but if it's still like this when he's a year old we're heading for allergy testing.
In the meantime, I'm stocking up on tasteless little frisbies and getting a new scraper for the concrete on the dinner tray.
Posted by Kirsten at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Finally Feeling Festive

Steve and Jake just finished putting the tree up in the living room - and I'll be getting the ornaments out shortly. Obviously, the plastic ones will be on the bottom! Just keep your fingers crossed that any one of the little curious creatures in this house do not pull the tree down!
This morning was sugar central in our house. I finished up the last of the candies I've been making for gifts. Over the past week I've made over 100 chocolate covered cherries (half plain, half soaked in rum) - about 80 chocolate peanut butter balls - and about 60 Oreo snowballs. This morning I justified to myself that the peanut butter balls were, in fact, an acceptable breakfast food - yeah, there's protein in the form of the peanut butter, but the mere presence of the Rice Krispies made the argument totally in my favor!
Shortly, I'll be packaging up the goodies for the Missouri family so Steve can send them out tomorrow. And I hope to get the Christmas cards done today as well. I've still got a few more presents to get, but no worries. It's not a Christmas for me unless something is done last minute!!
Posted by Kirsten at 2:57 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Artsy Fartsy Me

New curtains for Jake's room

Posted by Kirsten at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A Year in the Life of...Justin

Posted by Kirsten at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
More to come...I promise!
Posted by Kirsten at 10:19 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 05, 2007
A Year in the Life of...Jacob

I don't think the gravity of my health situation really hit him until mommy wasn't able to pick him up at bedtime. But that was replaced with lots and lots of snuggle time and book reading. He learned what buttons to push, and pushed them often - but that's just the nature of toddlers! As I got bigger and bigger, his curiosity grew - and by the time the spring came, he was excited to meet his baby brother.
Soon Justin was here, and Jake had to adjust to yet another change. He was so fond of Justin at the hospital - even tried to feed him some banana when he cried - but once the baby came home, Jake was a bit stunned. He actually asked me once if we could put Justin back in my tummy! It continues to be a struggle now, but every day Jake shows what a gentle, loving big brother he really is. The day Jake shared his treasured blue blankie with Justin, I knew they shared that bond only brothers have.
What the next months will bring for wee Peapod, we don't know - but I have no doubt it will be filled with lots and lots of energy, excitement, and all the love we could ever want!
Posted by Kirsten at 9:19 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 01, 2007
A Year in the Life of...Steven
Obviously, when I ended up on bedrest, his life had to step up another level. He had to be the daddy AND the mommy on a lot of levels. In addition to working full time - and travelling quite often - he was also taking 2 classes for his Master's Degree, not to mention all of the responsibilities of the Navy Reserves. But somehow, through it all, he managed to pass his classes with flying colors.
As Justin's arrival approached, Steve became more and more excited (as we all did). He was so supportive through my misery! I have to admit I was not the most pleasant person to live with. But the only other time I saw him get so giddy was when Jake was born. Steve was a great coach, and a great support. Having Justin to keep me busy left Jake to spend some quality time with his daddy - and I think both of them enjoyed rediscovering their relationship. Who knew they both like to "rock out" with guitars?
Once the spring turned into summer, we all got used to life as a 4-som

Since the pinning, Steve's been on a steady pace of "full steam ahead". He's down to one course for his Master's Degree (after completing a 6 week intensive summer course during his Chief indoc period!). Work is keeping his busy as well - he just returned from a 2 week training run with the USS Ohio, where he got a refresher course in Submarine life. While he was excited, I think he's much more appreciative of his civilian life! Two days after returning from that trip, he headed down to his family reunion in Florida. The only people who knew he was going were myself and his Uncle Doc. Needless to say, there were some very shocked - and very thrilled - people that weekend!
Like myself, free time for Steve is very rare. But he always finds time for his guitars - his collection is down to 2 electric and 1 acoustic - but I don't doubt he'll add another one to the group in the future. He's had a few stints with some local bands, but nothing that's really materialized. He's not giving up on his dream to be in a band, though - and we all have no doubt he'll be on stage one day. Of course, there's always home repairs and yard work to do as well. But knowing Steve, there will NEVER be a slow moment in his day!
Posted by Kirsten at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Don't Throw the Baby Out With the Applesauce

Posted by Kirsten at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
A Year in the Life of...Kirsten

While on bedrest, I read a lot of books - caught up on a lot of my soaps - and completed quite a few cross stitch projects. I figured I best do that when I could, because come April there wouldn't be any time for that! And although my ever-increasing size was discouraging, it didn't stop me from getting in quality snuggle time with Jake before his little brother came.
I'll save the details of Justin's birth for his post - but suffice it to say, Steve and I weren't the only ones anxious for him to arrive! I think the anticipation of those last few weeks ranked up there with waiting for the Sox to win the World Series.
Once Justin was born, I remembered what life with a newborn was like. It's funny how much you forget - or maybe selectively remove from your memory! Although nothing beats a snuggle from your child, sleep is a pretty nice luxury, too! It was real hard at first - and I think it took us a good 4 months before we all found a good groove - but now, it's not so bad. Yeah, there are days I miss getting dressed in something other than sweats and tshirts, stained with Justin's spit-up and Jake's latest food fascination - or when I'd love to engage in intellectual conversation rather than playing a guessing game of "Whose Poop Do I Smell?" - but now that I think I've figured this mom thing out, I don't think I'd change a thing. Well, I'd want more money - but I think we all would! My days are all pretty much the same - fueled by mass quantities of coffee, with the soundtrack of "Rhinocerous Tap" playing in my head - and sometimes I feel like my brain is turning to jello (and we all know I hate jello). I suppose once Justin hits school I'll go back to work - but for now, my focus is trying to tame the clutter in the house, attempting to keep the toy monsters at bay, and enjoying every little smile, laugh, and scream of my 2 boys.
On the rare chance I get a little free time, I've been trying to start crafting again. I find I can't complete projects as quickly as I'd like to - but that's no surprise when you only get 30 minute snippets of time here and there. Plus, with Steve traveling so much for work, I don't get nearly as much help as I'd like around the house. Crafting is, I guess, my release - and I try to make a little time for something as often as I can. Since April, I've made myself a quilted bag (think Vera Bradley style) - I've painted 2 sets of name letter for new babies - made curtains for Jake's room - painted some new Halloween decorations - and I've got supplies for some Christmas ornaments to paint, as well as a scrapbook for Steve. Maybe I should try to sleep when I have the time - but if I did actually get some down time at night, the Dunkin' Donuts up the street would go out of business.
I'm sure there's more to my life than that - but as anyone with kids can tell you, THEY are your life. And when they decide not to sleep at Nana and Buppa's house AND not nap at home, your life becomes a blur!
Posted by Kirsten at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 19, 2007
Welcome to the Zoo!
It is true that there is never a dull moment with children - every day there is something exciting, funny, or enlightening to share. And I guess that's why I want to do this blog - to share it with all of you. I know there are some friends and family we have that are missing out because of distance - and my hope is that this helps shorten the miles between us.
In the coming days, weeks, and months, I hope to share with you all the stories that make my days what they are. But at the moment, I must rescue Justin from his crib. He's started to pull himself up on things - but has yet to figure out how to get down!
Posted by Kirsten at 1:28 PM 2 comments