Saturday, December 27, 2008
Technologically Challenged
Posted by Kirsten at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Soy to the world...

Posted by Kirsten at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I wanted to take a break from the regularly scheduled programming to be a bit more serious for a moment. I usually try to keep things light-hearted and positive here, but things aren't always what they seem.
For the past few months, I've been fighting a losing battle with depression. I'm not talking the "gee...things are kinda rough right now but it'll get better" depression. I mean the type that makes you feel hopeless, empty. The type where nothing helps you feel better. The type that no one else but you seems to understand. I cannot push forward and hope it goes away - because it's not that easy. I cannot find the root cause for the depression - because it's not that easy. And I cannot hide it anymore - because it's not that easy.
I found myself in a dark place a few weeks ago - darker than I'd ever imagined. Empty and cold and hopeless and numb. I guess that was about as close to hitting "rock bottom" as I'd ever want to get - and since that time, I've tried my damnedest to get better. I've made changes in my life - not just in the daily stuff, but also in my mindset. The struggles I'd been having with Jakers and his behavior have gotten less. I try to end each day reminding myself of the gifts I have. Yet I'm still in a funk. I've got 2 beautiful little boys. I have a husband who works his tail off. I have a warm house, a good car, plenty of food in my cabinets - even 2insane cats to snuggle at the foot of my bed. But this devil called "depression" has made it's way into my head - and seems quite comfortable there.
I guess my point in writing this is to reach out to ya'll - without actually having to come out and say it. I'm not asking for help - I'm asking for understanding. If I've been abesnt in my friendship and communication, it's not because of anything other than myself. No one wants to admit they have any sort of "mental illness" - especially me. So it's been easier for me to just back away into the corner and hide than have to put up a false front, never mind share my mind with others. I hope one day soon to be able to see the sunshine in every day - all the time.
Posted by Kirsten at 9:04 PM 4 comments
Friday, December 05, 2008
Watch out, Martha!
I had started to really dread the holidays - like everyone (it seems), money is pretty tight this year. I had begun to feel so Grinchy. But tonight - after finishing the first phase of "Operation Chocolate Covered Cherry" about 175 times - and after starting some mosaic coasters - and after finishing a set of wine glass charms - I'm starting to see a wee bit of jolly in my days.
I've still got peanut butter cups to make - maybe some lollypops for the kiddies. And some more wine glass charms... and some ornaments... but if I plug away a little each night I should be all set. And the coupons for Michael's and AC Moore and JoAnn that mom keeps sending me don't hurt, either!
Posted by Kirsten at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
New addition!

Posted by Kirsten at 8:35 PM 2 comments
Happy Thanks-for-giving day!
But once we arrived in Ellington, our first stop was to meet Miss Rachel Milheiro.

Finally, it was off to the parent's place. Jake was so excited to get there, nothing else mattered! Mom turned Dana's old bedroom into the boys' room - complete with toddler bed, tv/dvd/vcr/cable, and mounds of toys - standard fare for a grandparent's home! Jake played legos wihile Justin had fun testing the toddler bed.

Posted by Kirsten at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Two Little Ghosties
The boys on the stairs before we left... notice the thrilled looks on their faces...

Posted by Kirsten at 1:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Flickr account...
Posted by Kirsten at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 03, 2008
Halloween Happenings
We started the fun with a trip to the pumpkin patch at Elm Knoll Farm. It was such a fantastic day! I've always wanted to take the boys to something like that, and they're finally at an age to be able to have fun. We got to see Dana painting faces, although no amount of bribery would get either one of the boys to sit still! After an attempt to engage Jake in enjoying the animals, we stopped for a snack and started wandering the farm. When it was apparent we had seen all there was to see and climbed all there was to climb, Jake picked out a pumpkin and we headed home. Here are a few of the many pics I took that day!
Nana and Jakers as kangaroos.

As you might expect, there was some cooking involved in the festivities as well. Jake loves to cook with mommy - so I broke out the cookie cutters and we made pumpkin sugar cookies. I was designated the "roller outer guy" while Jake was the "cutter guy" and the "putting on the tray guy". (His exact words!) Once they were cooled I glazed them with a little orange-tinted apple cider icing and Jake topped them off with sprinkles. YUM!

Thanks to my mom, she and I took the boys to a little Halloween party at the Creative Playhouse in Ellington. It was perfect for the boys - a small group of kids, short activities, and lots of spooky fun. It made me wish we lived closer!
Jake had fun making a pumpkin art project.

Last but not least was Halloween - - - stay tuned!
Posted by Kirsten at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 01, 2008
The Pumpkin House!

Posted by Kirsten at 9:14 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Buttonwoods Farms
Sorry - had to wipe the drool off the keyboard.
Seeing as it's October, we didn't get to enjoy an up-close and personal tour of the sunflowers. Instead, we get to go on a hay ride into the pastures. It was a pretty chilly day - but the sun was out, and it was a gorgeous fall day. Our trip started with a hayride into the pastures. You can see the boys' eyes frozen open!

Posted by Kirsten at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Jake's first Field Trip!
It was a BEAUTIFUL day - warm enough for shorts, but with a cool breeze that made one want a sweatshirt. The sun was so bright, and the sky was perfectly clear. The kids had a great time exploring the forest - Jake's teacher, Miss Lisee, would stop every so often and challenge the kids to find a leaf that matched hers. Each child had a bag to collect leaves and other items they found along the way - the items were then used in an art project (I have yet to see...) It was great for me to see Miss Lisee in action - although I knew she was going to be a great match for Jake, it was refreshing to actually see it for myself.
So here are a few of the pics I managed to snap before my camera batteries died!

Posted by Kirsten at 7:02 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Spoke too soon!
Posted by Kirsten at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Revenge of the rotovirus
Well, here we are - Saturday - and our wee Pork Chop seems to have returned to normal. He really wanted to eat today, so I started him off light with some toast and dilluted apple juice. By dinnertime, he was chowing down on apple slices, rice, and some banana! And I'm sure it won't surprise anyone that he was obviously feeling well enough to jump, climb, and bounce his way through the house. I'm interested to see how much he weighs now, since he had already lost a pound as of Thursday. I'm sure it's more by now.
I know this is just the beginning of the lovely cooties to come through the house this season, but I had hoped it would have missed Justin!
Posted by Kirsten at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Fair Winnings
Well, this year, I finally entered. I didn't enter as much as I wanted to, but something is better than nothing, right? And I'm so glad I did!
Second Place in quilted wallhangings! This is my "Four Seasons" set - winter, spring, summer, and fall. The quilting is actually the pattern on the backing fabric, which is reflective of the season.

I'm really proud of the pictures - I don't have any fancy camera, and I have yet to install Photoshop (so any editing is done right on the camera). I haven't been doing this for long - but to have my first shot at a competition turn out so successful has really energized me!
Posted by Kirsten at 2:25 PM 2 comments