If you live in Griswold, you know about the Halloween tradition of the Pumpkin House. Up the road from us is a man named Edgar Fontaine. Every year, he puts on a pumpkin display on his house (yes - ON the house) that is unlike anything I've ever seen. I'm not too familiar with the whole history of how it started, but suffice it to say, it's something people come from all over to see. All the pumpkins on display are carved and donated by members of the community - individuals, families, groups, businesses. This year I was finally able to get out during the day to see it - but unfortunately, I can't take very good night pictures. Seeing all those pumpkins lit up is amazing! But every day last week, Jake insisted we drive by the Pumpkin House on the way home from school. I think all those trips actually taught Justin how to say “pumpkin!” 

Well, clearly we are taking a field trip to Griswold next Halloween. I need to see the house all lit up!!!
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