It seems as if we've finally established our first official Cohoon-family holiday tradition! For the past I'm-not-sure-how-many years, the guys all get together to run the Manchester Road Race - otherwise known as the Turkey Trot. It's a 5 mile race thru downtown Manchester - and although it's not real long, it's pretty hilly (or so I've been told...) In the past, the whole family has headed up to Manchester to drop Steve off, then the kids and I head over to Ellington for the day. This year was a little different. While Steve was up in Manchester running the race in about 50 minutes, I was home roasting a turkey for the VFW in town. They prepare and deliver meals to people in town who can't get out - because EVERYONE deserves turkey on Turkey Day! But once good old Tom was done, I called for pick-up and we hit the road to go to Ellington. I think the worst part of it all was NOT being able to sneak little slices of the bird as it cooked!
But once we arrived in Ellington, our first stop was to meet Miss Rachel Milheiro.
The little chubby cheeked princes is already 4 months old, and this is the first time I've met her. (Yes, I'm a bad auntie...) I also got a quick drive-by tour of Paul & Kate's new home. It's BEAUTIFUL! I'm not sure which I like the best - the vaulted ceiling in the bedroom, the jacuzzi tub in the master bath, or the beer fridge in the kitchen... Seeing as we all had places to go, the visit was short - but I'm hoping to get some more time with Rachel and Kate - and SOON - when things are a little less hectic.
Finally, it was off to the parent's place. Jake was so excited to get there, nothing else mattered! Mom turned Dana's old bedroom into the boys' room - complete with toddler bed, tv/dvd/vcr/cable, and mounds of toys - standard fare for a grandparent's home! Jake played legos wihile Justin had fun testing the toddler bed.
As we usually try to make it, the meal was nice and relaxed. And oh-so-delicious. Justin ate pretty well - and Jake ate the best he'd ever eaten for Turkey Day!
Unfortunately, after the evening feasting was done, Justin got sick - I should have known it was too good to be true! He seemed fine after that - so it was back to relaxing. Jake helped take apart the turkey with Buppa.
Once the bird was carved up for leftovers, it was computer time! First, Justin jumped into Dana's lap...
...Then both boys ganged up on Buppa, who was trying to hide playing Hearts!
The final activity of the night was an art project of sorts. Jake had picked out this paintable magnet for Buppa's birthday - and the two of them painted it. I didn't get to see the final product, but I can only assume it's interesting. I mean, how can a shark painted blue, green, and purple be BORING?
Once the boys were settled in their jammies, we hit the road back home. Lemme tell ya - there's nothing like opening the fridge to see a treasure trove of leftovers... I think the only downfall of the holiday was that it seems as if a tummy bug of some sort made the rounds. So far, I'm the only one that has escaped it - so I'm currently doing all I can in anticipation of getting sick!
But once we arrived in Ellington, our first stop was to meet Miss Rachel Milheiro.

Finally, it was off to the parent's place. Jake was so excited to get there, nothing else mattered! Mom turned Dana's old bedroom into the boys' room - complete with toddler bed, tv/dvd/vcr/cable, and mounds of toys - standard fare for a grandparent's home! Jake played legos wihile Justin had fun testing the toddler bed.

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