Wednesdays are usually "Play Group at the Church" days. For whatever reason, we were the only ones at Play Group this past week! I'm sure Rev. Lou wouldn't have minded if we stayed to play and snack - but Jake was in need of more than mommy to keep him entertained. So we headed for the mall. If you know Jakers, you know there's never any predicting his moods. This day happened to be a pretty good day - thankfully! I decided to take advantage of that and make the Easter Bunny excursion.
I wasn't really sure how the kids would react - I mean, what little kid wouldn't be afraid of a giant moving stuffed animal? But both boys were FANTASTIC! Jake ran up and gave the Bunny high-fives - and Justin was all smiles.

Justin had so much fun with the Bunny, he just sat there for an eternity after the pictures were taken!

As it seems with most 3-year olds, Jake could live on pizza alone. Seeing as he was so good for the pictures, we headed to the food court for "pizza lunch" (Jake-speak). Both boys were sporting the ears the Easter Bunny gave them. Jake wasn't keen on stopping his lunch for a picture, but he was a good sport and humored Mommy.

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