OK - so I'm about a week late (and more than a dollar short!) - but I had good reason. Steve was away on business - riding a sub to train the crew on some new equipment - and I didn't think it was wise to broadcast the fact I was home alone. I'm not sure who all reads this anyway - but better safe than sorry, right?
The original plan for the day was to have the merry bunch down our way for dinner - but seeing as Steve was away and I was lonely (sniff sniff) the boys and I trekked up to Ellington. It was a beautiful day! The drive up there is usually quite boring - but the sun was so bright, it really warmed your soul. As usual, my dad was the chef for the day - so we feasted on a delicious ham with pineapple, butternut squash, peas, potatoes, homemade applesauce, and biscuits. After dinner I attempted to take some pics of the boys - which is always an adventure! This was the best I could get with them looking at me:
But then I broke out the "duck" - this duck has been in our family for years...and it REALLY needs to go away!
Here's Dana and his girlfriend Jen - she's an amazing photographer!! Obviously she didn't take any of my pics...hahaha.
After we digested dinner, we devoured dessert. Mom made this fantastic trifle of pound cake (Absolutely Almond Pound Cake from Tastefully Simple - ask me how to get some!), vanilla pudding, whipped cream, and fresh strawberries. It was devine! Then it was time for the hunt - the Easter Egg hunt! Mom and Dad set up a little hunt for Jake in the back yard, and he had a ball searching for all the goodies. His favorite part of the "booty" was the "circle money" (coins) for his Dunkin Donut treat.

Anyone who knows our family knows about Egg Wars. Even if you haven't participated in Egg Wars, you must know it's the highlight of the Easter Holiday. Basically, we take hard-boiled dyed eggs and pair off. We peck at each other to find the Last Egg Standing. Kinda like March Madness. With eggs.
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