So in case ya'll don't know, Justin is a spirited little boy. (That's putting it mildly). Our wee pork chop has been dubbed Evel Kenevel, spider monkey, and wild boy. He is into EVERYTHING he sees - and most of what he can't see as well! But he's doing so well. He's still not speaking a whole heck of a lot, although it is getting better. He manages to get his wants across, so it's not much of a detriment to him yet. We've managed to get him almost completely off the special formula and onto milk - I bet our insurance company is happy for that! And if you thought Jacob was a fearless adventurer, Justin is three times that. His latest feat has been to climb out of his crib - ALL THE TIME. What's worse, is that he does it in such a way that he is almost completely noiseless when he hits the floor. Imagine being greeted by his cute little mug at 4am, tugging your arm, saying, "mama baba mama baba" - and you are dead convinced you did not take him out of the crib!!
Here is Justin... in review...
"Hooray for ribbies!" - his first taste of ribs from BT Lanes - devoured them! 
Justin's birthday gift to daddy - his first haircut! Before:
And after! He did SO well - sat in daddy's lap and barely moved!
At Misquamicut with daddy on Father's Day
Evel Kenevel - Connecticut edition (climbing at Mohegan Park)
Standing on the chair in Buppa's office
His favorite hobby - climbing... E V E R Y T H I N G

"OH LOOK! Something shiny! And I bet I'm not supposed to touch it!"
Driving Buppa's lawnmower - wait till he can reach the pedals!
"I've heard ladies go for guys with beautiful eyes..."
Despite the red tide, Justin LOVED the water at Easton's Beach in Newport, RI.
"MOM! Who turned the lights out?!?"
Chillin' on a mushroom at Roger Williams Zoo in RI.
Enjoying a rocking rocket at the Navy park in Stonington.
Wow. Justin is growing up fast! He looks like Jake!
Hi Kirsten,
The boys are beautiful! I should be so organized!!! ;)
Jules =)
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