Jake has been a busy boy this summer. Mostly, it's been spent trying to guard his prized posessions from his crazy little brother - but he's also been trying to learn as much as he can. Believe it or not - but this kid LOVES to learn! He got some books from Mercy next door that she had outgrown - dot-to-dots, mazes, numbers and letters - and they've all been done. Every page - completed. And for a kid who did them with no guidance, they were completed almost perfectly! Any chance he got, he'd want to learn - he'd ask me to write words for him, and he'd copy them. We'd count out money into his bank. He'd even come to me, asking for things in Spanish! (Gotta love Dora the Explorer!!) Now that he's back in school, I hope his quest for learning continues. He's had some adjustment to the new schedule (he goes 4 days a week in the afternoons) - but seeing as he's never been one to adapt well to large changes, I think he's dong great. He seems to really like his teacher - and has already made a good friend (also named Jake!)
In any case... Here's Jacob in review!
Typical summer activity - playing outside in the water.

With one of his best friends, Josephine, at his preschool class trip.

Testing the waters on Father's Day at Misquamicut (it was pretty chilly!!)

Preschool graduation with his friends Ella and Josephine (notice the lovely food stain on the shirt!)
Collecting shells at Easton's Beach in Newport - I hope to turn some of them into Christmas presents!
Checking out the flowers at Harkness Park in Waterford.
"Yeah... I'm cool..."
Who says sidewalk paint is only for sidewalks?
Swingin' on the swing at the Navy park in Stonington, CT
Playing with his boat on Nana and Buppa's deck
The summer smile - smiley eyes in the water. He's such a little fishie!
"Look Buppa! I can drive better than Mommy!!"
"I dunno why Buppa thinks this working deal is so hard..."
Taking Justin for a stroll in Arbor Park
Helping Mercy with the Optimus Prime pinata at his birthday party (with Ella and Spencer in the background).
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