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Friday, February 01, 2008

This and that...

Just a few random ramblings from the mind of a sleep deprived mommy...

Haven't really posted much recently - mainly because I haven't really had the chance! Justin's been sick - we're actually on our way back to Dr. Larry in about 20 minutes. I think he's got yet ANOTHER ear infection - as he had fluid in his ear when we went on Monday. Just gimme some of that amoxicillin and we'll be good to go! He's not sleeping - which means *I'M* not sleeping - which means there's just one more cranky pants in the house.

Jake's hanging in there - although he's complained a few times today he felt "ukka". I'm sure he's getting the cold that Justin has... I'm hoping a good night of sleep from him will help. Thankfully, Santa brought him the ClickStart Computer, so he can play his Nemo game when I'm trying to get Justin settled. I've been promising Jake some Valentines Day art projects - which means tomorrow will be filled with construction paper, glitter, and all sorts of mess!

I stopped by the various craft stores in the area this past week and treated myself to some new projects. Between now and July, there will be 5 new babies in my world - which means I've got lots of gifts to make! So I grabbed some wooden letters to paint - some little Valentine's cut outs to decorate - and a new pattern to make a quilted duffel bag. Unfortunately, no one has figured out how to add more hours in the day, so I'm not exactly sure when I'm going to get this all done...

Steve started back to school this past week - which means hours of reading, posting, researching, and reading some more. But I guess he's only got 3 more classes till he's done with his Master's degree. It seems like the poor guy has been going to school forever!

Hopefully I'll get the chance to post more this weekend. If y'all are REALLY lucky, there might be some video of the Pork Chop walking!!